richj's world

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On the Train

I was finishing The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe on the train this morning. I had read it on the way home yesterday, but had to finish it quickly at the end of my trip. The story ends with the narrator reading from a book in which sounds are described and just as he reads the desriptions similar sounds are heard in the house. I won't divulge the horrorible scene, except that as the narrator is riding away from the house he sees a "blood-red" full moon over his shoulder. Well, just as I read this, dull rays of sunlight shone over my shoulder. Because of a break in the clouds just above the horizon the full circle of the rising sun was visible. And sure enough the atmosphere gave it a dark red orange color that was eerily similar to what I had just imagined in my minds eye.


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